Troop 5G – Continuing to Grow

Our Troop 5G scouts continue to show the way in scouting!  After an amazing 2 weeks at Makajawan Troop 5G continues to recruit more girls into scouting.  Under the coaching of Scoutmaster Danielle Reese, the girls of Troop 5G continue to learn outdoor skills, serve...


Thanks for being interested in Troop 5! Scouting provides boys and girls (ages 11-18) with opportunities to learn new skills while having fun. For over 100 years, the Scouts of Troop 5 have participated in a wide range of exciting events and activities.Troop 5 have...

MaKaJaWan 2024!

We are looking forward to continuing the long running Troop 5 tradition of heading up to Ma Ka Ja Wan scout reservation for weeks 5 and 6.  With so many merit badge and advancement opportunities, all our scouts will have plenty of fun! Come join us at camp this...