NOTE: You must pass the BSA swim test before attending this camp out!
Calling all Troop 5 and Crew 5 Scouts, Parents and Leaders!
Come join us for the Wisconsin River Canoe Camp Out! A Troop and Crew 5 favorite!
This campout is just around the corner, so please sign up as soon as you can! Registration open through September 4th. Join Us!
Drivers always needed! If you will drive, please select “Adult Camping” and you can provide information about how may people you can transport.
Meet: Saturday, September 9th at 6:00 am (SHARP!) – at First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette (FPCW).
Return: Sunday, September 10th at 4 pm – at First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette (FPCW). Your scout will call you approximately 30 minutes before arrival.
Check below for address and map of location. We will be camping on a sandbar!
Bring appropriate gear: Not all equipment listed is necessary. Check the weather. Speak with your patrol leader at the Monday night Troop meeting if you have questions.