Calling all Troop 5 and Crew 5 Scouts, Parents and Leaders!
Come join us for Campsgiving! Have a great time to hang out and see old and potential new members! A Troop 5 favorite.
Note that we are at camp Reinberg this year, which is a change from past years.
Patrol leaders – Contact your patrols this week and direct scouts to sign up. Registration open through midnight October 9th. Significant planning is required for a Scout camping trip. Join Us!
Since this campout is often cold, we did reserve two unheated cabins for Saturday night, for those who want to stay overnight, but aren’t quite ready for a two night cold extravaganza. (Note: no camping credit for camping in cabins!)
Drivers always needed! If you will drive, please select “Adult Camping” and you can provide information about how many people you can transport.
Meet: Friday, November 10th at 5:30 pm – at First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette (FPCW).
Return: Sunday, November 12th at 12-1PM – at First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette (FPCW). Your scout will call you approximately 30 minutes before arrival.
Check below for address and map of location. We will be at sites 16-18 and the meal will be in the dining hall.
Bring appropriate gear: Not all equipment listed is necessary. Check the weather. Speak with your patrol leader at the Monday night Troop meeting if you have questions.