Due to the potential for bad weather this weekend, we an cancelling going to Oarkarro, but we have a plan B to help people with their advancement.
Youth should bring books, mess kits and pocket knife.
Mrs. Cogil will host the camp out at her house:
147 Maple Ave
Wilmette, IL 60091
(202) 680-4623
following the schedule below:
Friday 5-9 PM – Scouts can cook their Saturday dinner and dessert using camp stoves. There will be fire pit for roasting marshmallows.
Saturday TBD – Mr. Fujii will teach Totin’s Chip/Firem’n Chit/Alligator Wresting.
Sunday TBD – Scouts can cook breakfast using camp stoves.
The times for Saturday/Sunday will be finalized and report at the Friday night activity.
Parents please come and help eat all of the delicious food!
Calling all Troop 5 and Crew 5 Scouts, Parents and Leaders.
Come join us for the Advancement Camp Out! Work on your rank advancement and learn invaluable skills. Plus have fun!
Patrol leaders – Contact your patrols this week and direct scouts to sign up. Registration open through April24th. Significant planning is required for a Scout camping trip. Join Us!
Drivers always needed! If you will drive, please select “Adult Camping” and you can provide information about how may people you can transport.
Meet: Friday, April 29 at 5:00 pm – FPCW.
Return: Sunday, May 1 at Noon at First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette (FPCW). Your scout will call you approximately 30 minutes before arrival.
Check below for address and map of location. We have Brown Bat and White Tail camp sites.
Bring appropriate gear: Not all equipment listed is necessary. Check the weather. Speak with your patrol leader at the Monday night Troop meeting if you have questions.