Dear Crew, Scouts, Parents,
This is a signup to show interest in the Shawnee mini trek. This trek is a great opportunity for younger scouts to get their feet wet with backpacking, and for the older scouts to trek with less commitment than a full crew trek. It is three days and two nights of backpacking, where we will cover some miles each day as decided by the scouts. Scouts 7th grade and up are eligible, and 6th grade scouts are eligible with their parents. The price is not yet fixed, but is anticipated to be around $230. It does involve more preparation than a typical campout and so we will schedule additional meetings to plan all the details. If you are interested in joining us this year, please sign up here and we will include you in the planning meetings.
If you have any questions about what the trek is or what it entails, please feel free to reach out to for more details.