Calling all Spelunkers!
This February your PLC has decided that we will do some winter camping. . . IN A CAVE!!!
We will be camping in Eagle Cave in Wisconsin. This inside of the cave is the same temperature all year round and as such provides a reasonable camping environment, no matter the weather outside. The cave resort provides food and activities for the groups that camp so this will be a much more straightforward but unusual campout. Because of this however the resort requires final numbers 60 days ahead.
As such we need a final list of campers by Dec 3 per the cave operators. This means we only have one week to sign up for our February campout! (Please note that the fees are significantly higher than for a normal campout.)
We have 15 spots currently reserved. These spots will be on a first-come first-served basis, so signup ASAP. If we have more than 15 campers interested, we will set up a wait list in case of additional availability.
Please note: The name listed on the ticket should be that of the participant (not the parent’s name).
This event will be updated with additional details as we get closer to the date.