Calling all Troop 5 and Crew 5 Scouts, Parents and Leaders.
Come join us for the Advancement Camp Out! Work on your rank advancement and learn invaluable skills. Starved rock is also a beautiful place to take some amazing hikes! A Troop 5 favorite! Come join us.
Sign up now, registration is open through April 12th. Use the Youth Camper ticket option under tickets to sign up a scout. The camping fee for scouts is $25. For adults, use the Adult Camper RSVP, who as always are free.
Drivers always needed! If you will drive, please select “Adult Camping” and you can provide information about how may people you can transport.
Gear Pull: Wednesday, April 12 at 7:00 pm – First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette (FPCW).
Meet: Friday, April 14 at 5:00 pm – FPCW.
Return: Sunday, April 16 at Noon at FPCW. Your scout will call you approximately 30 minutes before arrival.
Check below for address and map of location.
Bring appropriate gear: Not all equipment listed is necessary. Check the weather. Speak with your patrol leader at the Monday night Troop meeting if you have questions.